Improv at its purest.


What is it?

“The Harold” is a classic improv format. Our Harold teams celebrate this format!

Our Harold teams are temporary House Teams. Members are selected by an audition process.


What are the prerequisites for joining a Harold team?
Improvisers must have a strong understanding of improv fundamentals and game of the scene. Improv 201 or equivalent is recommended, but not required. Previous Harold experience helps, but is not a necessity.

How long do Harold Teams perform?
Harold Teams will get a 6-9 month run.

How often are auditions held?
Auditions are held when a current Harold run is wrapping up, every 6-9 months. These are typically held near the beginning and middle of the year.

What are the benefits of joining a Harold Team?
There are many reasons to join a Harold Team, including:

  • Performance opportunities

  • Meet other great performers

  • Get coached by Mettlesome’s best

  • Harold Team members are considered when House Teams need new members

How do I join a Harold Team?
All Harold Team members must audition. If applications are currently open, you can apply below.

To be alerted about our next round of auditions, sign up for our newsletter!

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