Classes FAQ

Do I get into shows for free as a student?

Yes! All students can attend Mettlesome produced improv and sketch shows for absolutely free, so long as the show is not sold out (paid tickets will take priority over student seating).

Non-Mettlesome performances (i.e out-of-town performers, or otherwise non-Mettlesome acts) are still full price.

I don’t have any comedy or writing experience. Can I still sign up for classes?

Absolutely! Our classes are welcoming to all ranges of experience, whether you are a beginner or have experience.

Additionally, our Improv and Sketch programs are independent of each other - you don’t need any improv experience to take a sketch class, and vice versa.

I have prior improv experience. Can I skip ahead to a more advanced level?

Students with significant prior improv experience may be eligible to register for Improv 201.

We do not allow any students, regardless of prior experience to skip past Improv 201. Every school of comedy approaches improv differently, and Improv 201 is where we explore Mettlesome’s specific approach. Even if you are experienced, this ensures that all students have a shared understanding in the upper levels.

To inquire about skipping Improv 101, reach out to us here.

I have prior sketch experience. Can I skip ahead to a more advanced level?

All students must start at Sketch 101, regardless of prior experience. Every school of comedy approaches sketch differently, and Sketch 101 is where we lay the foundation for the rest of the program. Additionally, Sketch 201 & 301 build directly off of what is learned in Sketch 101. Even if you are experienced, this ensures that all students have a shared understanding in the upper levels.

How old do I need to be to register for a class?

  • You must be 18 years of age or older to sign up for Mettlesome Lab coursework.

  • If you are 16-17 years old, you may take a course with parent/guardian permission. Have your parent/guardian contact us here. Have them send us a message letting us know: Your name, which class you are signing up for, and that they consent to you joining the program. Please make sure your parent/guardian reads all of the policies on this page before agreeing.

  • If you are under the age of 16, you can not participate in the Mettlesome Lab at this time.

Can I audit a class?

Since building trust with classmates is a core part of our classes, we do not permit prospective students to audit our classes.

What is the class attendance policy?

Students are allowed to miss up to two classes per course to be eligible for completion. The class showcase does not count towards your allotted two absences.

What happens if I miss more than 2 classes?

Students who miss more than 2 classes will not be permitted to perform in the student showcase, and will not be able to continue to the next level of classes. If you miss more than 2 classes and would like to continue in the program, you will be required to retake your current level.

This policy ensures that all students have the tools needed to properly support each other as they perform and continue through the program. Critical content is taught every week, and missing too many weeks will set you back too far and prevent you from properly supporting your classmates.

Do you offer makeup classes?

In instances where multiple sessions of the same class type are available within a term, students are allowed (and encouraged) to attend an alternative session if they miss their scheduled class. This will also count as attendance, and will prevent an absence from being recorded.

What is your refund policy?

Refunds are available seven days ahead of the start of class through Eventbrite. After that, Mettlesome Lab is only able to consider class credit.

Can I get a partial refund for missing classes or joining late?

No. Class fees will not be pro-rated for students who join late or miss sessions.

Can I switch into a different class?

If your course has not started and you want to switch into a different session that costs the same, is not sold-out, and has also not started, you may do so. Once your class has started, you can not switch into a different session.


How is Mettlesome handling COVID-19?

Mettlesome follows local mandates set by the City of Durham and Durham County. See our full Covid Policies for more information.

Am I required to wear a mask?

Masks are currently optional. We fully support any participants who would like to continue wearing a face mask indoors or outdoors. Wearing a face mask does not impact a participant’s promotion to the next level, nor does it impact potential future casting decisions.


I have a question about one of these policies. Who should I talk to?

Students are always welcome to contact Mettlesome here. Students are also welcome to set up an in-person meeting.